We believe that in order for the UK to reach net zero emissions by the mid-century we need to support businesses who will create products and services and continue to contribute to the economy to enable us all to live a better, more sustainable life, that is less damaging to the planet.

Better business. Better planet

Business must now upscale its ambitions and role in reducing emissions from hard-to-decarbonise sectors, undoubtedly with the deployment of negative emissions technology. Reaching net zero will require a paradigm change and businesses must now acknowledge these systemic shifts and the impact of such on their future operations and strategy.

We believe that businesses must come together, share insight, successes and failures to ensure that together we can confidently head to a more sustainable mid century. The more businesses share through their reporting and external communications, the more visible they will be to policymakers, customers and employees. Strong climate policies give companies and their stakeholders the clarity and confidence they need to invest at scale in low-carbon options.

Collaborate. Inform. Debate.

future net zero is the place for businesses to collaborate, to inform the debate and to engage with audiences. With a proven news pedigree and through a mix of news, broadcast TV and radio, partner content and opinion, we engage with the business community big and small, politicians, academics, environmentalists and campaigners and other interested parties, so we can all understand and make the incremental changes together to get to zero emissions.


Established in 2010, Energy Live News (ELN) has solidified its position as the foremost daily news site in the UK, committed to providing in-depth coverage of the energy sector. Operating independently as a dynamic publishing and events company, ELN boasts a talented team comprising skilled TV camera operators, reporters and event managers. This proficient team delivers engaging events and content through a variety of mediums, including video, text and animation. 

On the back of the UK government passing legislation requiring the government to reduce the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050, ELN expanded its reach with the launch of future net zero (fnz). Rooted in a straightforward ambition, that achieving this target necessitates supporting businesses creating products and services that contribute to the economy while fostering a more sustainable life.