Exhibitor/Sponsor Questionnaire Name * Name First First Last Last Email * Did you receive enough sponsorship information about the Big Show 2023 prior to the event * Please select optionYESNO – please state what you thought was missing or what you would like to receive. If the answer above is "NO", please state what you thought was missing or what you would like to receive As a Sponsor, overall, did the show meet your expectations * Please select optionNot well at allNot so wellNeutralSomewhat wellExtremely well Please indicate your satisfaction with the: VENUE. If you wish to make any additional comments, please use the final question in the survey: * Please select option1 - poor2345 - excellent Please indicate your satisfaction with the: LOCATION. If you wish to make any additional comments, please use the final question in the survey: * Please select option1 - poor2345 - excellent Please indicate your satisfaction with the: EXHIBITION LAYOUT. If you wish to make any additional comments, please use the final question in the survey: * Please select option1 - poor2345 - excellent Please indicate your satisfaction with the: VALUE FOR MONEY. If you wish to make any additional comments, please use the final question in the survey: * Please select option1 - poor2345 - excellent Please indicate your satisfaction with the: FRIENDLINESS OF OUR TEAM STAFF. If you wish to make any additional comments, please use the final question in the survey: * Please select option1 - poor2345 - excellent Please indicate your satisfaction with the: QUALITY OF DELEGATES. If you wish to make any additional comments, please use the final question in the survey: * Please select option1 - poor2345 - excellent Please indicate if you will continue to sponsor The Big Show 2024? * Please select optionNo, we won’t be sponsoring again next year.We are unsure right now.Yes! We will be sponsoring next year. We want to ensure we improve sponsors experiences at our show and are keen to understand any additional ways we can support you or if there are specific areas where you would like to see improvement. * On a scale of 0 – 10, how likely are you to recommend the event to a friend or a colleague? * Please select option0 - Very unlikely12345678910 - Very likely Finally, we want to thank you once again for sponsoring our event. Please let us know if there is anything else you'd like to share about the show. * If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit