Day 2 – Net Zero: Your Future Workplace

Presenting our ground-breaking Net Zero Skills Day, a brand-new addition for 2024! Our focus is for anyone who can see a future in the low carbon world. From graduates looking to choose a career that does good, to older workers looking to reskill for the greener future, we can help you! Get first hand accounts of the kind of jobs on offer in the future and why people who work in the net zero industry love it so much. We will have workshops and networking to help you to propel your career.

My Net Zero Story:

  • Personal narratives of individuals who have changed their careers to contribute to a sustainable and low carbon future.

My Net Zero Job:

  • Discussions around employment opportunities and the current workforce skill gaps, and the development and training to meet the demands of Net Zero jobs

Come along and meet:

  • Business professional career changers
  • Energy professionals
  • University leaders & students (over 18s)
  • Recruitment consultants
  • Innovative net zero tech companies

We're in the process of crafting our agenda, so stay tuned for upcoming updates!